Story 1: His Glory in Our Story: The Dream

What if we had the whole story...God's whole story? What if God told us His plans for human history...and how we fit into it?

The good news is that He has.  The Bible is His message to the human race, and it is an amazing book.  It is rooted in tremendous levels of evidence through the long history of the human race, including geographical locations, the movements of nations, and the psychological reality of each human soul. It is the clearest explanation for our relentless need for the meaning, which is something only God can provide.

The only problem is that the Bible can seem unapproachable for a lot of people.  If the Judeo-Christian Scripture is outside of the religion you follow (or choose not to follow), it can feel challenging to get explanations for the parts that don't make sense.  In the Christian community, we can feel intimidated about learning it on our own.  Often, we are so aware of the long history of intense scholarship and theological discussions about the Bible that we think it is beyond our ability to navigate.    Some have tried to study the Bible, but when we look at some of the stories or sayings, they seem so foreign (or even bizarre) that they are hard to integrate with the things we know and love about other parts of the Bible.    That is a great tragedy because when those confusing parts are given clarity, they are the very things that reveal the most beautiful, amazing things about our Lord.

That is the point of this website.  Here you will find stories of the Bible with all their vibrant characters and the progressive revelations of God, and with a little help to understand each one on a deeper level, whether that is about explaining cultural factors, prophecies, or how a smaller storyline fits into the broader story of the biblical meta-narrative.   They are laid out in 10 minute bites, honoring the sections as intended by the original, inspired authors. Each story has a link to the actual text at the top, and the Hindi sections include audio recordings. All of the stories include a link to a worship song at the end to help us all respond to the God of the stories in the way our souls were designed to.  I earnestly pray that you who read this will receive the same blessing of His beauty and strengthening truth that I received in writing it.

Many blessings,

Jennifer Grace