Story 1: The Purpose of the Book of Revelation: Comfort for the Persecuted


Welcome to the opportunity to learn about the book of Revelation.  Like all of Scripture, this text is important because it is inspired by the God who created us.  Revelation also holds a special place in Scripture because it is the last book of the Bible.  This is where we learn how the story that began in the Garden of Eden is going to come to its final, cataclysmic, victorious end. It also explains how new life will begin in eternity with God.  Revelation tells us of the Great Ending, and the even greater Beginning.

Revelation is a mighty and epic prophecy about what is ahead, yet the primary goal is not to help us figure out the times and places of final world events.  The primary message of Revelation is to strengthen the faith of believers across the generations who have chosen to trust Christ in the face persecution and even martyrdom.

The Lord Jesus treasures the wholehearted faith of those who stand firm, even when it costs them the blessings of this world.

Consider the power and strength that faith can give us!  We don’t have to be controlled with fear about the hard things of this world, or even death itself.  In fact, our trust in God in the face of this world’s challenges is evidence that the Lord Himself is truly our greatest treasure.  It is proof that we have staked our claim for happiness and peace on Christ’s work to save us, and that we are looking forward to the better hope of everlasting life, just like the saints who have gone before us (Hebrews 11-12:3).

The Lord watches over His faithful ones. He sees every moment of suffering, every loss.  He treasures every act of devotion.  And He provided a testimony on behalf of those who will suffer for His sake, dedicating an entire book to shoring up their hope and assuring them of their purpose and His promises.  Whatever defeats we see in the battle for this broken world, whatever harm may come our way, it is nothing, nothing compared to the glory set before us in Heaven.

Jennifer Jagerson